Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I passed!

What a relief it is to write that I passed my exam! I can finally go back to enjoying summer or what is left of it. Whaoo. Kind of
anti-climatic after all the studying and stressing.

Very nice swim with Kathy and Deb this morning along Crescent Beach. It did feel a bit cold again. Is it fall already?
I was so glad that Deb decided to come out with out us today as she isn't much into the ocean swimming. I hope she does again cause we had a nice pace going.

Anyways I can't write more now because I am being asked to spell words every 3-seconds by my daughter... more later.


maria conley said...

Outstanding Alina, you passed your exam. Sorry to ask but what were you studing? I'm going to Old Orchard in two weeks, please don't tell me that the ocean water is cold!

Swimming for ME said...

I'll bet it is about 64 or so... not bad for Maine but probably not as warm as Massachusettes. Just swim in the middle of the day!

Swimming for ME said...
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