Monday, March 23, 2009

When I get weddinged...a chicken or an egg?

Another priceless conversation with my 3 year old.

Where do I get babies after I am weddinged?

Um well after you get "weddinged" or married you'll have some eggs that can make babies.

(Pause)... Do they come from the refrigerator?

Oh no (LOL) .... you have them inside of you and once you are "weddinged" they can grow into babies.

(Pause)... But how do babies get arms?

Later I realized she thought she might be growing chicken babies -- thus the no arms possibility.


Ange said...

too cute!! Love it.
I have been getting, "but HOW does the baby get in there?" and "do you have to be married to have a baby" and "how does it get Out?" Gulp.
Excited for your weekend!!!!!

GetBackJoJo said...

That's hilarious.