Sunday, September 7, 2008

End of summer?

Well it has been one week since I have posted and I guess I am feeling very sad that summer is nearly over. I am relishing these last few days of sun and trying to get in as many ocean swims as I can. I managed a few last week. A gorgeous swim along Scarborough Beach on Labor Day with my friends Claire and Karen. It was so hot and the water was so cold! Interestingly, when I swam along Crescent on Wednesday and Thursday the water was much warmer, especially Thursday which I think was one of the warmest days for ocean water that I have felt all summer. Unfortunately I didn't get to swim for too long as it was quite choppy and just as I was getting in a boatful of teenage boys -- drinking something from cans....hmmmmm -- launched their boat and proceeded to do circles and then water ski along the beach. Even though the headed out towards Richmond I didn't feel too safe swimming due to the chop -- I could only see 3 feet in front of me!

Today may be one of my last swims of the summer, but I hope not.

1 comment:

maria conley said...

Hi Alina, every year I get sad too. I don't like it when the month of September comes. It's a sign that our summer days are just about over. I love the beautiful sunny & long day of summer. Keep on swiming.